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Electrical Contractors License

   (1)   License Required.

      (a)   No person shall engage in the business of installing systems, or parts of systems, used to transmit, generate or distribute electricity, nor engage in the business of electrical contracting, unless that person has obtained a license from the Department.

      (b)   Licenses issued shall be valid for one year and renewed annually, with payment of a fee.

   (2)   Requirements for License. No Electrical Contractor's License shall be issued unless the following provisions have been satisfied:

      (a)   Experience. The applicant shall have a minimum of four years of practical experience gained while employed in electrical work. Satisfactory completion of two years of education in the electrical field shall be equivalent to one year of practical experience, but not more than four years of education shall count towards the required four years practical experience.

      (b)   Examination. The applicant shall have passed a written examination, on the theory and practice of electricity to test knowledge of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) as adopted by the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.

      (c)   Continuing Education. Before any Electrical Contractor's License is issued or renewed, the applicant or licensee shall have completed at least eight hours per year in course work or seminars on the then-current at an approved or accredited school or organization. The applicant or licensee shall furnish a completion certificate indicating the course activity and the length in hours of each course.

   (3)   Insurance Requirements.

      (a)   All Contractors licensed under this Section shall maintain, at a minimum, the following types and amounts of insurance:

         (.1)   workers' compensation where applicable: statutory limits;

         (.2)   comprehensive general liability insurance: in an amount determined by the Risk Manager;

         (.3)   products and completed operations, and/or errors and omissions: in an amount determined by the Risk Manager; and

         (.4)   motor vehicle liability insurance: in an amount determined by the Risk Manager.

      (b)   Copies of insurance certificates shall be submitted to show proof of insurance coverage before a license will be issued.

      (c)   Failure to maintain proper insurance, and to provide proof of continued coverage by submitting renewal certificates, will result in the revocation or non-renewal of the license.

   (4)   Application Requirements. Applications for an Electrical Contractor's license shall be made on forms to be supplied by the Department. No license shall be issued until the applicant:

      (a)   provides the Department with a copy of the applicant's business privilege license 985 and tax identification number;

      (b)   provides the Department with proof that the applicant has obtained the insurance required;

      (c)   provides proof of meeting the requirements of an Electrical Contractor license;

      (d)   pays a non-refundable application fee; and

      (e)   complies with any additional requirements imposed by the Department by regulation.

   (5)   Required Conduct. Every licensed Electrical Contractor shall:

      (a)   notify the Department in writing within ten days of any change in any of the information required to be submitted to the Department;

      (b)   secure all required permits prior to commencement of construction;

      (c)   include the Electrical Contractor's license number on all advertisements and stationery;

      (d)   comply with all provisions of The Philadelphia Code;

      (e)   correct any Code violation cited by the Department or licensed agent as a result of such Electrical Contractor's work activity within the period for compliance specified in the notice from the Department;

      (f)   maintain complete financial and construction records (including plans) for each job performed, for two years after the completion of the job. All such records shall be subject to audit by the Department during such two-year period.

      (g)   arrange for all required inspections of electrical work. A minimum of 24 hours advance notice shall be given to the Department for inspections. Arrangements for final inspections shall be made within five days of completion of the work.


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